In the framework of the project “Digital Teaching and Learning in Historical Sciences,” Prof. Jenny Oesterle and Dr. Dani Nassif from the University of Regensburg organized a Summer School on 24–28 July 2023, under the title “History, Digitization, and Archive.” Historians of the post-colonial Middle East are arguably forced to write what historian Ibrahim ʿAbduh dubbed “history without documents” (tārīkh bilā wathāʾiq), as archival materials remain scattered and unattended, eventually leading up to uncontested historical narratives. Meanwhile, the German model of using digital technology to archive material, influencing history writing and learning, sets an interesting example to reflect upon and, as a matter of fact, learn from. In an interdisciplinary cooperation and a cultural dialogue across borders, the university of Regensburg in Germany hosts 22 Iraqi scientists from the departments of applied computer science (Al-Nahrain University) and history (University of Baghdad) to engage with and discuss the German expereince of digital archive and history vis-à-vis the Iraqi context. In addition to the presentations by the DAAD participants from Germany and Iraq, the programm included sessions on Monumenta Germaniae Historica and Archive in Nordrhein Westfalen, in addition to visiting SpitalArchiv and Turn und Taxis Museum.
The summer school was organized in cooperation with Prof. Dheaa Zageer (Al-Nahrain University) and Prof. Layth Shakir (University of Baghdad).
Opening Speech and Welcome Note by Jenny Oesterle (University of Regensburg)
Opening Speech by Layth Shakir (University of Baghdad)
Opening Speech by Dheaa Zageer (Al-Nahrain University)Arno Mentzel-Reuters (Monumenta Germaniae Historica): “Scattered-reunited-digitized: The fate of a collection on German history of science (1945-2023)”Abdulsatr Sultan (Catholic University in Erbil): “Overview on the Iraqi Graduates and Marketplace: History and Tourism”Barbara Henning (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz): “Exploring Ottoman Archives on Iraqi History: Insights and Blind Spots”Azhar Al-Zahoori and Omar Alashari (University of Baghdad): “The Trend Towards Governance by Building a Digital Platform for History Sciences”Alyaa Al-Shammari (University of Baghdad): “The Digitalization of Iraqi History: the challenges of the theory toward practice”Coffee Break (Prof. Jenny Oesterle’s Office)Dominic Eickhoff (Archive in Nordrhein Westfalen): “Preserving the cultural heritage of Westphalia – Digitization of archival records in the scope of technological challenges and opportunities for democracy”Q&A with Rasool Al-Saadi (Al-Nahrain University)Q&A with Layth Shakir (University of Baghdad)Campus Tour Uni Regensburg (Mr. Christian Klöckner and Mr. Philipp Winkler)Suhad Al-Ezzi (Al-Nahrain University): “Leveraging AI to Automate Question Generation in E-Learning Platforms Focused on Ancient Iraq’s Civilizations”Yousif Al-Dunainawi (President of AlShaab University): “Digitizing Iraq’s Historical and Civilizational Richness”
Visiting Turn und Taxis Museum/Archive
Visiting SpitalArchiv (with Kathrin Pindl)
Gesture of Recognition by Allawi Al-Darraji
Dean of Ibn Rushd College of Education, University of Baghdad
Closing Speech by Jenny Oesterle and Dani Nassif (University of Regensburg)Historical City Tour in RegensburgFarewell Dinner – Da Tino Restaurant