In the framework of the project “Digital Teaching and Learning in Historical Sciences,” Prof. Jenny Oesterle and Dr. Dani Nassif from the University of Regensburg organized a Summer School on 7–11 September 2022, under the title “Virtual Histories and Digital Platforms.” With the new role university professors are expected to play in society, moving from theory to practice, the summer school focused on how digital technology can offer history teachers the chance to engage their learners in a virtual experiential field. Nineteen Iraqi scientists from al-Nahrain University (Department of Applied Computer Science) and the University of Baghdad (Department of History) participated in the event, in addition to two scientists from the department of Medieval History at the University of Regensburg. The programme included a variety of activities and activities, from both the German and the Iraqi sides, such as plenary discussions of theory and practice, PowerPoint presentations, guided visits to Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte and Walhalla Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung, and training sessions in IT and Photography. The goal was to allow participants to brainstorm ideas and develop questions that feed into future projects.
The summer school was organized in cooperation with Prof. Dheaa Zageer (Al-Nahrain University) and Prof. Layth Shakir (University of Baghdad).