On 7 October 2022, professors from the University of Baghdad and Al-Nahrain University, who had participated in the Regensburg Summer School (2022), met for a workshop on digital teaching and learning of historical sciences, organized by assistant professor Dr. Dheaa Zageer at the Forensic DNA Center. List of Presentations:
- Prof Dr. Abdullah Sabar, (Dean of College of Arts – Uni Baghdad) / “My Experience of the Digital Learning with Undergrauated students of department of History – After the Corona pandemic.”
- Dr. Zainab Al-Sultani (Al-Nahrain University) / “Chabot as a program for teaching history.”
- Assistant professor, Dr. Suhad Yousef (Al-Nahrain University) / “Classifying historical information to create an Iraqi website.”
- Dr. Hikmat Abdullah and Dr. Ban Dhanoun (Al-Nahrain University) / “Electronic classification of ancient historical texts.”
- Assistant Professor Dr. Dhea Zageer and Dr. Hussein Salloum (Al-Nahrain University) / “Digital project for teaching historical sciences represented by creating an Iraqi digital website.”
- Professor Dr. Layth Shakir (Department of History – Uni Baghdad) / “Digital concepts working an Iraqi digital historical museum that includes ancient, medieval and modern history, the contemporary history of Iraq through the ages, represented by the location of online,” and “Application of the Kahoot program for teaching history to students who have not graduated from the history department.”