Prof. Dr. Jenny Rahel Oesterle El-Nabbout
Affiliation: University of Regensburg
Position: Project Leader
Gemeinsam mit irakischen und deutschen Historiker/innen und Informatiker/innen an der Verbesserung (digitaler) Lehre zu arbeiten, erschließt für alle am Projekt Beteiligten neue interkulturelle und interdisziplinäre Sichtweisen auf Geschichtsvermittlung. Davon profitieren Lehrende und Studierende der Partneruniversitäten gleichermaßen.
Jenny Rahel Oesterle El-Nabbout is Chair for Medieval History at the University of Regensburg (since 2021). She has been trained at the Universities of Giessen and Münster, worked at the Universities of Braunschweig, Bochum, Heidelberg, and Passau. Her research focuses on the history of Medieval Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East, and it includes medieval court rituals, migration and flight, interreligious contacts in the medieval Mediterranean, medieval Arab historiography and cartography, and the history of historical Studies especially in Germany and the Middle East. She has already conducted a variety of projects in collaboration with Arabic partners, such as the conference and book publication “The Humanities in the 21st century. Perspectives from the Arab World and from Germany” (ed. with Nuha al-Shaar, Beate LaSala, Barbara Winckler, 2021–2022).